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Admin panel bundlers

Strapi's admin panel is a React-based single-page application that encapsulates all the features and installed plugins of a Strapi application. 2 different bundlers can be used with your Strapi 5 application, Vite (the default one) and webpack. Both bundlers can be configured to suit your needs.


For simplification, the following documentation mentions the strapi develop command, but in practice you will probably use its alias by running either yarn develop or npm run develop depending on your package manager of choice.


In Strapi 5, Vite  is the default bundler that Strapi uses to build the admin panel. Vite will therefore be used by default when you run the strapi develop command.

To extend the usage of Vite, define a function that extends its configuration inside /src/admin/vite.config.[js|ts]:

const { mergeConfig } = require("vite");

module.exports = (config) => {
// Important: always return the modified config
return mergeConfig(config, {
resolve: {
alias: {
"@": "/src",


In Strapi 5, the default bundler is Vite. To use webpack  as a bundler you will need to pass it as an option to the strapi develop command:

strapi develop --bundler=webpack

Make sure to rename the default webpack.config.example.js file into webpack.config.[js|ts] before customizing webpack.

In order to extend the usage of webpack v5, define a function that extends its configuration inside /src/admin/webpack.config.[js|ts]:

module.exports = (config, webpack) => {
// Note: we provide webpack above so you should not `require` it

// Perform customizations to webpack config
config.plugins.push(new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/\/__tests__\//));

// Important: return the modified config
return config;