Release notes
This page lists all the Strapi Docs version numbers and their corresponding updates.
Strapi Docs version numbers explained:
The Strapi Documentation (Strapi Docs) at always documents the latest version of Strapi (CMS and Cloud) products.
Since Strapi Docs version 5.0.0, the docs' version number is independent from the Strapi product version. Thus, the version numbers of strapi/documentation
and strapi/strapi
may differ.
Strapi Docs now follow the semantic versioning philosophy, but adapted to docs:
- Major version (6.0.0, 7.0.0…): A significant rewrite of the docs (content or framework). This may impact the user experience, redesign the site, or break old links (redirections are handled, but broken links can be reported).
- Minor version (5.1.0, 5.2.0…): New Strapi features or improvements to the docs (e.g., new components or tools).
- Patch version (5.1.1, 5.1.2…): Content updates, including improvement or extension of existing pages, code examples fixes, and typos.
New versions (minor or patch) are generally released weekly, on Wednesdays.
New content
Dev Docs
Updated content
Dev Docs
- Add use case for handling database migrations with TypeScript
- Add Email plugin ratelimiting configuration options
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
- Fix broken link to Strapi client README
- Fix missing location for content-type generation command in Store and Access Data (plugins dev) guide
- Fix Node versions in installation snippet
- Convert example in Store and Access Data guide from ES to DS
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Updated content
Dev Docs & User Guide
User Guide
Strapi Cloud
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Strapi Cloud
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Updated content
Dev Docs
Strapi Cloud
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Updated content
Dev Docs
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
New content
Dev Docs
Updated content
Dev Docs
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
- Rename SDK to Client in files and diagrams
- Add missing TypeScript version to Admin Panel API code example
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
- Fix incorrect import of unstable_useContentManagerContext in Helper-plugin migration reference
- Fix typo in v4 → v5 step-by-step for GraphQL plugin
- Fix bug in the middlewares example
- Fix populate examples for Document Service API
Strapi Cloud
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
- Add graphQL landingPage configuration and update Apollo playground to sandbox
- Add the --verbose option to the data transfer command description
- Removing the note about unmodified fields on the update
- Fix typo in admonition
- Fix Document Service API example typo
Strapi Cloud
- Update Cloud backups (restoration timestamp)
- Add the SSO badge for the new, paid add-on
- Update text for add environment button
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
User Guide
Dev Docs
Strapi Cloud
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
The Strapi Docs website now has a brand new design! We hope you like it as much as we loved creating it. Please feel free to share your feedback.
Updated content
User Guide
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
- fix locale prerequisites
- fix wrong import
- Fix SDK plugin init command example in the SDK reference
- SDK beta callout
Strapi Cloud
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
New content
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
- Add a cross-link to the "commonly asked questions" about Strapi 5 article from the blog
- Add watchIgnoreFiles demo
- Fix unit testing docs for Strapi 5
- Mention Preview is under a feature flag
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
New content
Dev Docs
User Guide
Updated content
Strapi Cloud
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
Strapi Cloud
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
Strapi Cloud
- Design system v2 and new header in cloud docs
- Deleted old cloud assets
- Add restoration timestamp to docs and ressources
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Updated content
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
- Add useTypescriptMigrations
- Fix typo in retro-compatibility flag value
- Fix typo in example code for injectComponent in Admin Panel API docs
- Fix outdated mention of Gold plan in SSO docs
- Fix locale param. example in Interactive Query Builder
- Fix discardDraft() Document Service API example
Strapi Cloud
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
New content
Dev Docs
Updated content
Dev Docs
User Guide
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
- Minor Cloud Docs changes
- Remove Strapi 5 warning for Cloud in FAQ
- Move custom cloud provider config warnings higher
Dev Docs
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
- Improve instructions for upgrading to Apollo v4
- Fix code example in breaking change for new response format
- Update names of removed mutations in GraphQL breaking change
- Fix typo in a snippet used in Cloud docs
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Updated content
Dev Docs
- Add support for 'latest' parameter in the upgrade tool
- Add example code and resulting screenshot for theme extension
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Strapi Cloud
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
Updated content
Strapi Cloud
Dev Docs
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Strapi Cloud
Dev Docs
- Clarify sorting for relational fields in the Content Manager list view
- Fix typo for
flag - Fix step-by-step v4 → v5 migration (v4CompatibilityMode flag)
- Update environment declaration in Docker guide
- Fix createStrapi method in TypeScript development documentation
- Fix links in the REST API documentation
- Fix CheckPagePermissions code example in helper-plugin deprecation guide
- Fix typo for init command in Plugin SDK
- Add link to ms package for examples for JWT expiresIn
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
New content
Cloud Docs
Updated content
User Guide
Dev Docs
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
Dev Docs
- Fix creating a custom provider example
- Fix pagination_next for first page of categories
- Fix SEO issues
- Fix links to strapi codebase
- Fix code example in general deployment guidelines
- Fix grammar in TypeScript development docs
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶
The following is an extensive list of all the pull requests that were merged since we started working on Strapi 5 documentation. For a quicker tour, please refer to the What's new page.
New content
Dev Docs
- Breaking change for database columns
- Content Manager APIs
- Breaking change for removing the "shared population strategy" for components & dynamic zones
- Templates
- Upgrade section revamp
- Custom U&P providers
- Breaking change for server.proxy config
- New "Upgrades" section (replaces updates & migration) for Strapi 5
- New proxy configuration feature
- lockIcon → licenseOnly breaking change
- Breaking change for default input validation
- Entity Service → Document Service: Breaking change + migration reference
- Plugins migration summary
- Breaking change for better-sqlite3
- Breaking change for Admin RBAC updates
- Breaking change for model config path uses uid
- Breaking change for upgrade from apollo v3 to apollo v4
- Breaking change for removed
field - Breaking change for server log level configuration
- Breaking change for the removed webpack aliases
- Breaking change for strict requirements on configuration filenames
- Breaking change about removed support for some env-only options
- Breaking change for no findPage() method in Document Service API
- Breaking change for sorting by id
- Breaking change for Vite as default bundler
- Breaking change for U&P register.allowedFields
- Breaking change for CM redux store
- Breaking change for
- Breaking change for i18n CM locale parameter
- Breaking change for strapi exports
- Breaking change for removal of
- Breaking change about react-router-dom 6
- Upgrade tool
- Document Service
- Breaking change for fetch
- Breaking change for MySQL v5 support drop
- Init. breaking changes pages for Strapi v4 → v5 migration
- New v5 Dev Docs structure
User Guide
Cloud Docs
- Port existing Cloud docs content from v4 website to website
- Make main categories clickable in breadcrumbs
Updated content
Dev Docs
- Remove shared population strategy for dynamic zones
- Update breaking change for default server level log
- Update breaking change for reserved attributes and content-types names
- Update breaking change for
- Update codemods list
- Update some v5 migration and Plugin SDK docs
- Add more before examples for helper plugin migration
- Plugin migration updates
- Update the Quick Start Guide with Cloud CLI and new CLI prompts
- Update sdk-plugin init with new options
- Update helper plugin migration doc
- Update backend customization examples to Document Service API
- Add scope and warning details to the upgrade tool guide
- More examples for middlewares context to Document Service API
- Deprecate integration guides
- Transfer deployment guides to external resources
- Database lifecycles vs. Document Service middlewares
- Admin panel customization section rework
- Update REST API additional resources with new links and call to write
- Updates to the CLI installation guide
- FAQ section for 'Cannot find module @strapi/XXX' build error
- Update upgrade tool documentation with codemods updates
- Plugin CLI update for @strapi/sdk-plugin package
- Updates to relations in API docs
- Update doc service doc to match latest changes being prepared
- GraphQL updates
- REST API updates (incl. i18n and breaking changes)
- (no-)watch-admin and bundler updates
- Turn the TypeScript page into a section
- New Dev Docs introduction
- Update supported databases
User Guide
- Make main categories clickable in breadcrumbs
- Update whole content in User Guide
- Update Draft & Publish
Cloud Docs
Chore, fixes, typos, and other improvements
This release was made possible thanks to the following contributors. Thank you! 🫶