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Admin panel customization: Host, port, and path configuration

By default, Strapi's admin panel is exposed via http://localhost:1337/admin . For security reasons, the host, port, and path can be updated.

Update the admin panel's path only

Unless you chose to deploy Strapi's back-end server and admin panel server on different servers (see deployment), by default:

  • The back-end server and the admin panel server of Strapi both run on the same host and port, which is http://localhost:1337/.
  • The admin panel is accessible at the /admin path while the back-end server is accessible at the /api path.

To make the admin panel accessible at another path, for instance at http://localhost:1337/dashboard, define or update the url property in the admin panel configuration file as follows:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
// … other configuration properties
url: "/dashboard",

Since by default the back-end server and the admin panel server run on the same host and port, only updating the config/admin.[ts|js] file should work if you left the host and port property values untouched in the server configuration file, which should be as follows:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
host: env("HOST", ""),
port:"PORT", 1337),

Update the admin panel's host and port

If the admin panel and the back-end server of Strapi are not hosted on the same server (see deployment), you will need to update the host and port of the admin panel.

This is done in the admin panel configuration file, for example to host the admin panel on properties should be updated follows:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
host: "",
port: 3000,
// Additionally you can define another path instead of the default /admin one 👇
// url: '/dashboard'

Other admin panel configurations

The /config/admin.[ts|js] file can be used to configure many other aspects. Please refer to the admin panel configuration documentation for details.