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19 docs tagged with "plugins"

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Admin Panel API

A Strapi plugin can interact with both the back end and the front end of a Strapi application. The Admin Panel API is about the front end part, i.e. it allows a plugin to customize Strapi's admin panel.

Content Manager APIs

The Content Manager APIs reference lists the APIs available to plugins for adding actions and options to the Content Manager List view and Edit view.

Documentation plugin

By using Swagger UI, the API documentation plugin takes out most of your pain to generate your documentation.

Email Provider

Configure Strapi Cloud to use a third-party email provider.


Find some answers and solutions to most common issues that you may experience when working with Strapi.

GraphQL plugin

Use a GraphQL endpoint in your Strapi project to fetch and mutate your content.

Installing Plugins via the Marketplace

Strapi comes with built-in plugins such as Documentation, GraphQL, and Sentry. The Marketplace is where users can find additional plugins to customize Strapi applications, and additional providers to extend plugins. The Marketplace is located in the admin panel, indicated by Marketplace. In the Marketplace, users can browse or search for plugins and providers, link to detailed descriptions for each, and submit new plugins and providers.

Introduction to plugins

Strapi is built around different types of plugins. Every default Strapi application comes with the following pre-installed plugins:

Plugin SDK

Reference documentation for Strapi's Plugin SDK commands

Plugins extension

Strapi comes with plugins that can be installed from the Marketplace or as npm packages. You can also create your own plugins (see plugins development) or extend the existing ones.

Plugins upgrade summary

The present page is intended to be used as a short summary of everything to consider if you are a plugin developer upgrading your plugin from Strapi v4 to Strapi 5. The page quickly describes the changes affecting plugins and links to additional resources where necessary.

Upload plugin

Upload any kind of file on your server or external providers.

Upload Provider

Configure Strapi Cloud to use a third-party upload provider.